My Narcissistic World!

I haven’t had much to say lately… Okay that’s a lie, I have had a lot to ‘say’ but nothing to write.

My life, as always, has been a strange fusion of chaos and calamity still somehow causing extreme bouts of boredom. Perhaps it is the chaos itself that I am bored of… because despite all the chaos that constantly surrounds me, I find my life very mundane. Sure there are chores to do, children to care for and other important items that should be complete, but let’s be serious these things are not there to humor me, they have been put in place simply to drive me nuts. Even in the midst of catastrophe, which occurs often in my life, I am not overly entertained.

I think I need a hobby, or a crap load of money, wine and illegal narcotics… something, because as of late, even my imagination seems to have fallen asleep at the wheel, and my ability to amuse myself has been lost among the endless loads of dirty laundry.

In an ideal world I would travel, I would visit exotic lands. I would write books that would change people’s lives, and tour with Oprah as she battles to change the world.

In an ideal world I would have a nanny, a housekeeper and a chef. I would have a well stocked wine cellar and a drunken’ smile plastered on my face.

In an ideal world it would always be summer, because having to bundle up really bums me out. I would live on the beach and I would never have to work again.

In an ideal world I would never be bored like I constantly am, I would have a personal assistant to handle all my problems, and a group of others whose sole purpose is simply finding ways to keep me amused.

In an ideal world I would have top of the line electronics, robotic appliances and fancy cars. I would have breakfast in Paris, lunch in Hawaii and Dinner in Italy.

In an ideal world I would have a private jet, and my own petting zoo. (With people to care for the animals of course) I would have a walk-in closet the size of a small house and the perfect clothes to fill it, my shoes and bags would have their own room, and my kids would have their own private wing!

Sure, I’m a little narcissistic, but Hell it’s MY ideal world and I’ll enjoy it the way I want to!!!

The Sad and Sorry Life of the Internet Bandit

Seriously, some people need lives… Not that I am one to talk! I mean at this point in life my daily routine consists of spoiled children, dirty clothes and less than stellar cooking. My main source of excitement is my life online (my blogging) and my weekly trips to the grocery store. I am probably not an expert on the subject of how to live a full and meaningful life, but one thing I DO know is that I am not as pathetic as this guy… (Sorry about the blurry picture I will explain!)

The Internet Bandit

This photo (blurry as it is) was taken through my living-room window at approximately 7:30 a.m. (I was trying to be inconspicuous, hence the blurry image created because using a flash would have been a little too obvious!) But this picture could have been taken at any time throughout the day and it would have held the same image. The man in the photo above is the local ‘Internet Bandit‘ Day in and day out he can be found in front of, or near the corner of, my house stealing someone’s unsecured internet connection!

Now I am not shunning him because he is using someone else’s connection (we’ve all done it!) but that he is doing it so openly and without any shame in a public area. Not only is he doing this so openly, he is doing it all day long! The funniest part of this whole situation is that you KNOW this guy is probably sitting on Facebook (or some dating site) just lying through his teeth!

I can picture his Facebook status as I watch him through my window….

Internet Bandit says “Chillin’ at home on the couch watching the game and having a few beers.”


Internet Bandit says “Had a long day at work today.”

I kind of wish I could find him on Facebook just to comment on his status and scare the crap outta the liar…
“Oh yeah! Maybe we will swing by and have a beer with you!!”
“Funny, you were at work today? I could have SWORE I saw a guy that look JUST like you standing on the corner looking like a LOSER!” 

Honestly, my major issue with what he is doing is the fact that he is just sitting on a residential street doing it. He is not going to Tim Hortons or McDonalds where they offer FREE WIFI, he is not even sitting in his own house jumping on his elderly neighbors unsecured wireless network. No, this guy does not even LIVE here, he ‘commutes‘ to this corner from down the block to sit outside and steal internet!!

Can you honestly not afford the $19.99??
I bet you could if you went and found a job instead of sitting outside someone’s house stealing their internet all day while you lie to your friends on Facebook!!
In fact, if you had a job to afford the internet you probably wouldn’t have the time to be on it ALL DAY LONG! 

Just Saying!


Lessons From My Mother

I came across this cute little piece in a local newsletter called “The Perkolator” and I had to share it here as it shows the valuable lessons we can all appreciate learning from our mothers.

Lessons From My Mother:

  1. My mother taught me to appreciate a job well done
    “If your going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning.”
  2.  My mother taught me religion
    “You better pray that will come out of the carpet.”
  3. My mother taught me about time travel
    “If you don’t straighten up, I’m going to knock you into the middle of next week.”
  4.  My mother taught me logic
    “Because I said so, that’s why.”
  5. My mother taught me more logic
    “If you fall out of that tree and break your neck, you’re not going to the store with me.”
  6. My mother taught me foresight
    “Make sure you wear clean underwear, in case you’re in an accident.”
  7. My mother taught me irony
    “Keep crying, and I’ll give you something to cry about.”
  8. My mother taught me about the science of osmosis
    “Shut your mouth and eat your supper.”
  9. My mother taught me about contortionism
    “Will you look at that dirt on the back of your neck.”
  10. My mother taught me about stamina
    “You’ll sit there until all that spinach is gone.”
  11. My mother taught me about weather
    “This room of yours looks as if a tornado went through it.”
  12. My mother taught me about hypocrisy
    “If I’ve told you once, I’ve told you a million times. Don’t exaggerate!”
  13. My mother taught me the circle of life
    “I brought you into this world, and I can take you out.”
  14. My mother taught me about behavior modification
    “Stop acting like your father!”
  15. My mother taught me about envy
    “There are millions of less fortunate children in the world who don’t have wonderful parents like you do.”

Thanks Mom, these lessons will last a lifetime!  

Back to Sanity… I mean School!

Well there is less than a week until school starts and as usual I am not prepared at all… In fact, I am nowhere near ready. This years disorganization takes the cake in comparison to any other year before it. I am not known for my strong organization skills, and I am in fact known well as ‘procrastination queen’ (as well as drama queen, queen bitch, and spoiled princess)

This year I have somehow managed to completely and utterly out do myself and have managed to completely avoid any of the regular ‘back to school’ activities in the hopes that this ‘to-do list’ would somehow complete itself… Yet, it has not!

Now don’t get me wrong, I am über exited for school to begin again, I am a firm believer that summer vacation is far too long for kids. Even with only one of the two kids I own being in school, the return of classes brings much peace in to my home. No seriously, the contrast is astounding… and yet instead of being prepared and ready to ship my son off to grade three with a smiling face and a waiting bubble bath (for me) I have procrastinated yet again and left all of the major things until the last-minute. Now with less than a week until the start of classes panic is setting in and I have NOTHING!

My ‘Back-to-school To-Do List‘ is lengthy, and I can’t figure out where I am supposed to begin. I am positing it here in the hopes that one of my readers has a ‘back-to-school’ fairy I may be able to borrow for a day or two to tick some of these pesky tasks off this dreadful list….

Back-to-school To-Do

  1. Register C for new school
  2. Figure out where new school is so I can register C
  3. Figure out where new home is, so I can find out where new school is, so I can register C…
  4. Find new home…. (Yup this is procrastination at its finest)
  5. Purchase back-to-school items such as; Back pack, paper, pencils, binders, etc… (Honestly, Walmart should deliver!)
  6. Search out and purchase two, Yes! TWO, pairs of shoes for C (Shoe shopping with a boy is a pain in the ass in the first place, let alone show shopping for TWO pairs of shoes!!)
  7. Grocery shop for school lunch items that will not have Child Services at your door the first day back… (Note: Schools frown upon chocolate spread, cookies, candy and pop… Apparently lunch is supposed to be ‘healthy’ and promote good eating habits! This all stems back to some Sally Sue and her stupid organic garden I am sure!!!)
  8. Win the lottery… so I can find said house, purchase said items, go grocery shopping for these stupid ‘healthy organic items’ and find the new school so I can register C…
You know… On second thought, screw the fairy… I think I might need a whole team of them to tackle this list!!!

The To-Do Fairies... Helping battle lists since before lists existed!!

Why is it I don’t get a magical godmother? Honestly if anyone is deserving of a crazy lady with a wand its me, not these spoiled brats in cartoons that live in castles and whine about having to mop floors….

This is likely the Fairy God Mother I would end up with... it's just my luck!!

I know all this is my fault, I am a procrastinator and I am aware that it is an issue… But seriously people who have addiction problems get a break, people who have stealing problems get a break, My God even Tiger Woods (the sex addict) gets a break… Can’t I get a ‘Lazy Person’ Break????
Anyway… If you happen to have a team/army/or group of Fairies locked away in your closet/basement/dungeon, and you are not using them at the moment, PLEASE send them my way… I will PAY you for them… Tomorrow… Or maybe Next week….

Not So Fortunate – The Truth is in the Cookie!

I got this prompt from and I thought it would make for a good blog post.

“You are now in charge of writing the fortunes in fortune cookies. Tell us our fortunes.”

So without a need for introduction here is what fortune cookies should say:

  • You will be hungry again in an hour
  • Nothing is going to change
  • No that pork chop was not supposed to be green
  • Chicken balls are not cat meat in disguise
  • You do love your husband, even if it doesn’t seem like it at the moment as you watch him inhale his fourth helping of meatballs
  • Children should never be brought to restaurants
  • You will have an upset stomach upon leaving the restaurant, we can not be held responsible.
  • You have something on your chin
  • The one-eyed man across the room is watching you
  • Yes the waitress is flirting with your boyfriend.
  • We saw how much food you wasted. There are children starving in Africa you know…
  • You should never where white out to dinner.
  • One more drink will help you feel better, honest!
  • Thanks for coming, we’ll see you again once you forget how much you hated the food here.
  • All you can eat is not an excuse to fill up on ice cream and desserts.
  • You possibly  just gained 12lbs during dinner.
  • Fortune cookies lie!


Well, I had one of those moments. You know, those so disgusting that they are funny moments that you will never forget as they have now scarred you for life…

My beautiful daughter L is now 16 months old. She is funny and saucy and full of curiosity. She likes puppies, playing outside, and most of all her bath. Last night while enjoy a soak in the tub my beautiful little princess decided she needed to poop. I was busy tidying up and gathering PJ’s and my son was sitting next to the tub with her. From across the room I was alerted to the occurring disaster by my sons uncontrollable giggles and squeals.. Apparently my beautiful daughter had a poop in the tub and then proceeded to pick it up and immediately catapult it from the tub, all within split-seconds!!!

During this event my son, rather than making any attempt to stop or prevent the fiasco from occurring, decided to take pictures of the act in progress! Unfortunately the pictures were too blurry to be used in this post, and would just not have done justice to the situation, and the suffering I endured having to scoop baby poop off the floor! So… instead I have found another NOT as suitable image to substitute here..


Technologically Speaking

MSI laptop computer

Image via Wikipedia

I need to be honest, I never ‘actually’ realized how much my life revolves around my computer until recently. Yes, I am aware that I spend a large amount of time online doing “one thing or another” but I what I was not aware of was how much I rely on the internet for entertainment. My computer was out of commission last week and I have to say I was a bit more ‘lost’ than I expected to be. A large amount of my day is spent online, reading, writing, or simply socializing with other. As well as learning many new and interesting things. I expected some withdrawal, of course, but I can honestly say that ‘some‘ withdrawal quickly became an understatement… at least at first anyway. Life (a week and a half)without my computer was hard, but it taught me a few things; things about myself, my life, and the world we live in….

What I didn’t learn online:

  • I am a basket-case without an internet connection – The first few days without a computer were a complete and utter shock to my system. I sat at the desk where my computer had been and simply stared at the empty space that had once held my beloved laptop. I was lost, I admit it, sad as it sounds I truly did not know what to do with myself while not online. Much time was spent simply staring into thin air with the slight hope that somehow, someway, this was all a bad dream. There may even have been a few tears shed…
  • It is very difficult for me to function without Google – I never realized how much I rely on Google to handle my day-to-day issues. There were questions my children asked that I couldn’t answer, phone numbers and addresses that I was unable to find. Dinners that bordered on ‘prison food’ standards from lack of recipes, medical issues and strange symptoms that could not be diagnosed, and a number of other tasks that never got done all because I am a Google whore! Yes, I said it… Loud and proud… I Google EVERYTHING!!
  • I can almost guarantee that I suffer from adult ADHD – I love reading. In fact, most of my time online is spent reading one site or another on various topics of interest, but how often I actually finish reading a site is a question I fear I should not answer… The beauty of the internet is that information is created for fast consumption. I can easily get the point without having to go very in-depth, reading a book on the other hand requires attention that I seem to have lost at some point in the recent past!
  • My kids are quite annoying – When I have nothing to distract me, my children are actually quite annoying to deal with… This ‘in your face, look at me non-sense’ that seems to have started the minute my laptop left the house, was all a bit much for me to be honest with you… and though our ‘family time’ was fun, it was truly exhausting.
  • My house is a mess – Once my eyes adjusted and were able to take in what was around them, (instead of being set to see through the glare of the screen) I realized that my house is a ‘pigsty’ I will say that in the days that the computer I got far more housework accomplished… I wonder if there is a connection!
  • It is really nice outside – Once you get up and get out in the sun, it is actually quite pleasant… Some would even say “Summer-like” but that would be impossible… I mean time couldn’t really pass me by like that now could it???
  • My family is actually amusing – Once I recovered from the initial shock I suppose I actually started to enjoy the disconnection from the world. I spent time with my family, enjoyed the outdoors, read a book (well parts of a book anyway) and even picked up a pen to write.. I can not even remember the last time I wrote with a pen! I learned that my family is actually somewhat amusing at times, and even a bit fun!
  • Boredom makes me miserable – Despite the fact that I got over the computer being gone, despite the fact that I even embraced it being gone by the end, I still learned that when I get bored I become a ‘bitch’. I require constant amusement and no one can provide that like my trusty little laptop…. People have their own emotional needs that just don’t work in my favor!
I must say, though I didn’t like not having a computer, I did appreciate the extra time I had when not online. I used the phone instead of Facebook and actually heard friends voices for the first time in a while. I got a lot done…. And you know, once my computer was back I didn’t even miss it all that much! Now that it is here and I am sitting on it I decided that I would make myself a pact… Though I love my computer and there is soooo.. much on the net that I want to see and read, I also want to enjoy my life, my family and myself… Thus I will not sacrifice time in real-life, for time online!
Take time each day to enjoy the world you live in, learn to appreciate the simple things in life. All that is online will be there later, those that are in your life may not….
– K8 

Life For Sale!

Oh to the woes of the drama that is my life… Time for an update on the state of the ‘home’ front…

As you all know we have moved around a lot in the last few months. It seems every house we find presents a new set of stresses we have to face, the new house is no different, though this stress was completely unexpected…

Our new house was fantastic, still is actually, aside from a few little things. The layout of the home is perfect, the price is right, and the area is one that enhances our family lifestyle. Things here are good…

The house we rented holds 3 apartments, One in the basement where Big C‘s friend resides, and one up above, we rent the entire main floor. The apartment up above was home to a quiet man who was rarely home, thus giving me no fear of the issues we faced at our last apartment with the elephants upstairs. Unfortunately, the man upstairs also faced his own set of demons, and recently passed away. Apparently having been sick for a long time, and facing the chaos of a ‘hoarder’ lifestyle he chose to commit suicide… No not in the apartment above Thank-God! Needless to say, he will no longer live upstairs….

His death is a sad fact and I feel bad for his family, who appeared to tackle his ‘hoarder’ home. Now he did not hoard garbage, but rather just ‘stuff’ lots and lots of stuff… Just like the Television show, there were small pathways to walk and the rest was all stuff….

Now I know that this must have been overwhelming for his family, they must have been in complete shock, but how they have gone about it is probably the strangest thing I have ever seen, and is the topic for this post…

Most people would face this obstacle with the intent to complete a task. Especially a family who has arrived from other parts of the country and lives nowhere near this man’s home. This family has not done anything like that… Here is what they did do…

Seeing the large amount of stuff in this home one would think you would simply want to get it all out, and out of the way, but NO these people have spent the last two months sorting each and every paper, item, and box and gathered up a large pile of trash, that now sits in the driveway of my home!

Please understand I don’t want to sound cold-hearted, or insensitive but read further and I am sure you will understand…

Not only have these people spent months going through these items, they do so at all hours of the night… which is not even the biggest issue, though it is an annoyance in itself… The biggest issue is that they have also been having Garage Sales Daily for that period of time… and not just Garage Sales, in the tense that a Garage Sale is usually done (Eg: weekends, daylight hours, Cheap deals on cool stuff, etc…) They have had REGULAR Garage Sales from morning through night…. Often times still out in the driveway at midnight haggling people for cash….

Now I understand that they have faced a death, and the death of a hoarder at that.. They have a large amount of items to dispose of, and usually a Garage Sale is the easiest way. Though in this case I would have recommended that they locate an auctioneer and go about removing it all that way, as much of it is usable stuff… But they have opted to have Garage Sales Daily instead….

Now, Let me tell you why this is a problem….

a) It is occurring daily from morning till night. Not just on the weekends or during daytime hours as normal people would do…

b) The pile of garbage that this constant “sale” has created is now taking over my side yard… I am sure it is a haven for rats, rodents and stray cats… You may remember my ‘run-in’ with stray cats

c) They are not cutting deals as a normal Garage Sale would do… In fact, they are trying to charge ‘Top Dollar” for a bunch of old, though useful, stuff…
Here is a conversation I overheard:
“I’ll give you $20 for that drill.”
“Well that drill costs $59.99 at Canadian Tire, so I want $50 bucks”
“If the drill is $59.99 at Canadian Tire Why would I give you $50 bucks? I can just go there and spend 10 bucks more to get a warranty and a box!”
“$50 bucks or no sale…”
****Customer walks away**** 

d) There is a city By-Law that clearly states a household is only allowed ‘2 Garage Sales per year’ This means that the hope of me having a Garage Sale later this summer to clear out my clutter has now been washed down the drain… Today the city By-Law officer showed up to take pictures and serve notice of this By-Law… Actually it made my day. I have recently decided that if it happened one more day I was going to call the city… But someone clearly beat me to it… He took pictures of the Garbage pile too!

e) Endless Garage Sales = Endless people… This also mean that my kids have not been able to go outside…. though these people have tried to tell me different I am not comfortable with my children running around with 50+ strangers standing in my driveway! It is just unsafe!

f) Garage Sales usually occur in the ‘garage’, since we have no garage they are occurring in our driveway. This fact means that no one can get in or our and my kids can’t ride their bikes….

You can see where the problem lies…

Now these people are still at it… even today in the pouring rain they outside sorting through stuff. I am sure that the moment the clouds part they will be setting up and I think that will be the moment that I break… I can respect that they have suffered a loss, and I even feel pity for the difficult task they have had to face… (Keep in mind that this man also had a storage unit full of things and so they have been renting a U-Haul truck, that has also been parked in my driveway for two months, to help house all this junk.) But there comes a point where enough is enough and my sadness for their loss no longer outweighs the suffering they are causing my family and my home… Hence the breaking point should they happen to attempt to set up today!

We tried to address this issue with our landlord, unfortunately he doesn’t live here, so he just does not care. The city seems to understand though at least that is good!

What would you do in this situation? How would you react? Keep in mind that these people have still not shown any sign of leaving although each day they say “This sale is their last” 


Crazy Cat-astrophy!

I remember when I was little I was constantly bringing home strays. Stray cats, stray dogs, and even on occasion… stray people. I was a little mother hen always on the look out for then next ‘animal’ in need. One time I even found a flying squirrel and another time it was a baby mole… I certainly was an animal loving child!

Some things change I suppose. Though I am an animal lover now, I love animals a lot more when they are not my responsibility, and are not in my house… But… I still have a thing for caring for strays.

While doing the dishes Thursday evening I heard incessant ‘meowing‘ outside my kitchen window, upon inspection I found a very small, very skinny, very hungry cat sitting outside my window crying for attention and food.

I am not a cat person… not that I don’t like cats, I do, but years of bad allergies and asthma attacks have chipped away at my feline fondness. Even still looking at the skin and bones that was this young cat, who appeared to be either pregnant currently or had just recently given birth to kittens. (who judging by the malnutrition and poor state of health that this cat was in probably didn’t do well, if they had survived at all!) Needless to say, my heart ached for this poor animal who had clearly been abandoned by its original owner in the middle of the of the city and left to fend for itself. (which clearly was not working out so well)

It truly bothers me that a person can leave an animal to suffer the way people often do with cats. Sure, cats may originate from the wild and they are pretty self-sufficient creatures, but years of domestication mean that this animal is not meant to live wild…Especially in the midst of a city where they are unable to hunt and survive. It disgusts me that people can leave a poor little animal to suffer the way these stray cats do without a thought to their needs or a feeling for their lives. But that is an endless battle…

So feeling sorry for this sad excuse for a kitten I gathered some turkey breast and dog food, along with a bowl of water and fed this poor little abandoned animal. Well she gobbled it up instantly… She was clearly starving! After she had her fill of all that I had to give her she decided that we should be friends… Despite her disgusting, filthy, clumped up fur that was caked with grease and mud, she was kind of cute…

I sat and snuggled with her for a few moments, petting her and trying to pull of the excess hair that had clearly never been cleaned.

Now keep in mind here that my family is the proud owners of a very big, very stupid Rottweiler. Kayla is about 3 years old and weighs just over 100 pounds. She is an intimidating dog that often frightens large men, but believes that everyone should love her and be her friend… I joke often that our large dog thinks she is a chihuahua, as she will run up to people, jump up on us when we first come home, or climb up on our laps as we sit on the couch… This dog weighs more than I do, she is a far cry from a poodle!

As I lifted the cat to further inspect its sad state my big beautiful dog came bounding towards us and scared the whiskers off this poor little animal…. Who of course lashed out in fear and ended up injuring “me” instead of her curious attacker!!!

The picture above is the result of me trying to be cat woman and make a poor stray feel happy and loved! It also doesn’t do justice to the injury, which at the moment of impact began pouring blood into my eyes and caused it to immediately swell shut!

Now normally a scratch from a cat would not be cause for alarm in my books, but thanks to my curiosity (aka: Hypochondria)  and the World Wide Web, I discovered that cats carry a large amount of bacteria on their claws and that a simple scratch can lead to dangerous infection and disease…. So… I panicked! (Not immediately though.. It wasn’t until I awoke in the middle of the night and could not open my swollen eye that the fear really set in!)

One walk-in clinic, two prescriptions, and three hours later, I am fine and will not require any major surgery, or suffer from any permanent scaring! Though I did have to get a booster shot just to be safe!

I fell bad, because this incident was clearly not this little cats fault. She did not intentionally set out to harm me. She was simply reacting to a scary situation that I happened to be in the middle of!

I have since made a friend. This little cat has been hovering outside our house, and even managed to sneak inside for a second yesterday! The kids have taken a liking to her, and she seems to have gotten over the dog! I sat outside talking away to her during the sunny afternoon like a crazy cat lady… and although there is no chance of her ever becoming a member of my household I did go buy her some food.. because despite her filth and fur she is a cute harmless little animal, and unlike the heartless owner that abandoned her in the middle of the city I cannot watch anyone suffer!

The lesson out of all this????

No good deed goes unpunished!


OH, The Woes of a Country Mouse…

I am not sure that I am cut out for this city living. I thought that I loved the hustle and bustle that life in the city brings. I thought that the sights and sounds would set my mind ablaze. I assumed that I would enjoy exploring, I thought I would find constant adventure. I truly believed that the city would bring me joy…

But it hasn’t!

In fact, the hustle and bustle of the city is driving me mad. The sights and sounds have grown more irritating than entertaining, and they have done nothing to inspire my mind. Actually, they are kind of distracting! I have given up on exploring the city because everywhere you go is crowded with people, it takes hours on the bus, and the sidewalks are jam-packed with pedestrians. You can’t drive because the roads are complete chaos, and the only adventure I have found is the over abundance of insane people you see walking around unsupervised on a daily basis. The city and I do not see eye-to-eye….

Sure I like the conveniences that the city provides, like the large shopping malls and the endless amounts of interesting little shops that line the streets. I like the variety of activities I have to choose from if I want to do something with the kids. I like the diversity, the culture and the many different kids of people you can meet… But I rarely go shopping, I never get out with the kids any more and the people.. though diverse, are R-U-D-E! No one smiles and says hello. No one asks How you are doing? or How you have been? There is rarely friendly chit-chat, and most people walk around with their heads down, or their noses up.

Yes, city life is different.

I thought that I would be more creative here… but it is hard to do when you realize that you are one tiny speck among millions who are aiming for the same dream. It feels almost intimidating to find that you are anonymous, that you mean nothing to the hundreds of people you walk by every single day. It is daunting and depressing to watch the violence and suffering that is Top Story on the daily news.

Yes, the city and I are different.

I realize that I enjoyed walking down the street and seeing a familiar face. I liked being able to stop and talk to a friend. I like the friendly environment and welcoming atmosphere that was a “small” town. I miss the simplicity that was country living, the way you were a regular at a shop or bar. I miss the smiles that greeted you at every corner, and the simple politeness that came along. I was happy with the peace and quite. I didn’t even really mind that the buses didn’t run at night…. at least in the small town you could take a taxi without spending a hundred bucks.

Yes, the country and I are alike in many ways.

I miss the fresh air, and the clean water. The lack of garbage, and the abundance of trees. The fields, the flowers, and the family. The ease and openness. I miss not having to worry or stress about safety, not having to think before walking in the dark. I miss being able to walk on the sidewalks and drive on the roads without being run over. I miss the way things were….

But I am here in the city now, and though I miss many things, I need to accept that me and the city differ, that we will never be the same. I need to enjoy the things that are good here, and embrace them when I can.

I guess it is true the saying “That you don’t know what you got till it’s gone.”

There are plenty of things that I like here.. don’t get me wrong, but I guess I just didn’t realize how much I would miss what became my home!