My Narcissistic World!

I haven’t had much to say lately… Okay that’s a lie, I have had a lot to ‘say’ but nothing to write.

My life, as always, has been a strange fusion of chaos and calamity still somehow causing extreme bouts of boredom. Perhaps it is the chaos itself that I am bored of… because despite all the chaos that constantly surrounds me, I find my life very mundane. Sure there are chores to do, children to care for and other important items that should be complete, but let’s be serious these things are not there to humor me, they have been put in place simply to drive me nuts. Even in the midst of catastrophe, which occurs often in my life, I am not overly entertained.

I think I need a hobby, or a crap load of money, wine and illegal narcotics… something, because as of late, even my imagination seems to have fallen asleep at the wheel, and my ability to amuse myself has been lost among the endless loads of dirty laundry.

In an ideal world I would travel, I would visit exotic lands. I would write books that would change people’s lives, and tour with Oprah as she battles to change the world.

In an ideal world I would have a nanny, a housekeeper and a chef. I would have a well stocked wine cellar and a drunken’ smile plastered on my face.

In an ideal world it would always be summer, because having to bundle up really bums me out. I would live on the beach and I would never have to work again.

In an ideal world I would never be bored like I constantly am, I would have a personal assistant to handle all my problems, and a group of others whose sole purpose is simply finding ways to keep me amused.

In an ideal world I would have top of the line electronics, robotic appliances and fancy cars. I would have breakfast in Paris, lunch in Hawaii and Dinner in Italy.

In an ideal world I would have a private jet, and my own petting zoo. (With people to care for the animals of course) I would have a walk-in closet the size of a small house and the perfect clothes to fill it, my shoes and bags would have their own room, and my kids would have their own private wing!

Sure, I’m a little narcissistic, but Hell it’s MY ideal world and I’ll enjoy it the way I want to!!!

Revamping the New Years Resolution

Well I somehow managed to survive Christmas with my sanity somewhat intact. Actually, our Christmas was quite relaxing once the shopping, cooking and kids were out-of-the-way, but with Christmas quickly coming to an end I realized that the New Year is right around the corner.

New Years means, for many, a fresh start. It is the chance to create change and live the life you dream of. Each year we head into the New Year with high hopes and a long list of resolutions. If you are anything like me that list is long-lost somewhere around the 3rd of January and you are spinning the same cycle you were last year, and the year before that.

Resolutions can be a great way to get your goals in focus and prioritize all the things you want to achieve. The problem with resolutions is that many of us are focused on the wrong goals. Change is always difficult and it comes with an enormous amount of pressure when it comes in the form of a resolution that is usually announced to every single person you know on and after New Years Eve. “What is your New Years Resolution?” is a predictable question during the holiday season, and one that we feel pressured to answer with something life-changing. “Lose weight”, “Quit smoking“, and “Get out of debt” are among the most common answers to the resolution answer, and for the most part, they are the most un-achieved resolutions as well.

Why is it that we always lose sight of our resolutions? Failing to achieve your New Years Resolution does not make you a failure, there are many reasons the excitement of our resolution fades with the winter weather. The number one, and most important reason is our resolutions are often unrealistic. We try to change everything all at once and we shock our systems. We all have that friend who vows to quit smoking at the stroke of midnight every year and is lighting up again by 12:23 a.m. If you truly want to achieve your resolution goal you need to break it down into small, more manageable goals that you can achieve throughout the year. Yes, it is that simple…

Say for example, you are like the millions of Americans that want to lose weight in 2012. Instead of completely changing your diet on January 1st, hitting the gym for 3 hours a day the first week, and basically starving half to death, break the big goal of losing weight into smaller, more manageable goals, such as, for the month of January aim to eat healthier snacks. February, join a gym and start with working out 2 days a week for 1 hour (or more depending on your current physical state), do this while you are still eating healthier snacks as planned for the month of January. For March aim to eat one healthier meal a day, go to the gym 3 times per week for 1 1/2 hours, and continue eating healthy snacks. Continue on for the remaining 9 months of the year, each month adding another small goal and continuing on with your previous months resolutions. Before you know it you will have changed your entire lifestyle without the stress or panic that accompany immediate and outright changes. It is not realistic to completely stop doing anything all at once. It takes time to form habits and it takes time to break them as well. Poor eating, lack of physical activity and weight gain all occurred over an extended period of time and they will all take time to reverse, both the habits and the effects.

My plan for 2012 is to make 12 resolutions. One for each month of the year. This way I get the challenge of completing a goal, but I also get the change I constantly require to stay focused. I will post my list soon, but for now feel free to share your own New Years Resolutions (and how you plan to break them down into more manageable goals) in the comment section below.


Make a Difference Without Breaking the Bank

give me a hopeI saw this article online at and I had to share it with you here. With Christmas fast approaching (I know I am not ready either trust me) people tend to start thinking of charity more and ways that they can help others who are less fortunate during the holiday season. has a great list of 50 Ways to Make a Difference without Spending a Penny that are guaranteed to inspire some goodwill and cheer in everyone. Check it out on the site or see the re-post below.

How to make a difference without spending a cent:

1. Pass on a book that you’ve enjoyed. Write a note in the front saying what you enjoyed and instruct the next “owner” to pass it on after they have read it.

2. Instead of “googling” when searching – use Good Search and these guys will make a donation to Spreading Joy. (Use the link above that will take you there)

3. Donate gently used dvd’s, vhs tapes and video games – I’m sure Spreading Joy can find those that will love to use them.

4. Be Positive today – with the depressing economy, bills falling behind – this can really be tough, but it will encourage those around you and in the process bring joy to yourself.

5. Donate expired coupons to the troops overseas.

6. Thank a Police Officer today (hopefully NOT while you are getting a ticket!)

7. Give time to your spouse – do something together, visit a park, bookstore etc.

8. Donate household items to Spreading Joy to pass along to others in need.

9. Hold a yard sale and donate half of the proceeds.

10. Taking the 30 day challenge? Tell me about it here.

11. Baby sit for a friend/neighbor for free.

12. Serve a meal at a homeless shelter or women’s shelter

13. Encourage our soldiers. Send a free letter here.

14. Mentor someone – have you started your own business? Are you an expert in a certain field? Share that talent!

15. Donate unused craft items to a daycare or elementary school.

16. Turn in those Box Tops for Education – found on Pillsbury items. Keep these, even if you don’t have kids. There is a school near you.

17. Smile at everyone you come in contact with today.

18. Offer to let someone ahead of you in line.

19. Volunteer in a Nursing home.

20. Donate blood.

21. Donate Plasma – and get paid for it.

22. Organize a book drive – get your neighborhood to donate gently used books. Pass out a flier asking for books – giving instructions to leave them in a bag on the porch letting them know you will pick them up the next week.

23. Turn in your Campbell’s Soup Labels

24. Have a family meal at the table – talk about current events in the family.

25. Give a handwritten note of encouragement.

26. Start a Gratitude Journal – leave it out for others to see as they visit you.

27. Donate gently used magazines to a nursing home

28. <-This has been missing for a year and a half, and NO one has said a thing to me about it. LOLOLOL just realized today 10.10.10 hahhaha. I LOVE it!, Leaving it and thank goodness for bonuses.

29. Call someone who is not feeling well and talk until you make them laugh

30. Volunteer at an animal shelter – play with the animals.

31. Visit with the elderly or someone who can no longer get out as much as they’d like.

32. Pick flowers from your garden and give away.

33. Volunteer for your local church.

34. Give a thank you card to someone who has made a difference in your life.

35. Run errands for a new Mom (or someone who is sick)

36. Pick up trash you see as you are walking on your route.

37. Volunteer to read to a class at your local Elementary school

38. Write a thank you note to your child’s teacher.

39. Seek out a store manager and let them know what an excellent employee your grocery bagger was. (or cashier).

40. Donate gently used clothing.

41. Volunteer at a hospital.

42. Donate your “free items” from the buy one get one free – to a local food pantry.

43. Leave a note hanging in or on your mailbox thanking your mail carrier for always being so dependable!

44. Speak to the elderly you pass – look them in the eye and smile. We tend to forget about the great individuals who paved the way for us.

45. Say Please and Thank you – show sincere appreciation.

46. Go to Church. There are so many churches. When people get discouraged, that is one of the first places they’ll go. You can encourage so many people this way!

47. Make extra chili and cornbread muffins – and take to a neighbor.

48. Bake homemade cookies with items you have in your pantry and share with neighborhood children.

49. Donate extra blankets to a homeless shelter.

50. Give a basket of home-grown veggies.

51. (a bonus!) Host a game night with your family – eat dessert first! Turn off cell phones (ok – kids, you can leave yours on….) but spend time laughing together playing games!
There you have it – 50 ways to make a difference without spending a single penny.


These are great ideas, Do you have any of your own? How do you help out during the holidays? What about other times of the year? Share your thoughts (and this post)

**Remember this is not my post it was originally posted at so be sure to check out the site Here!**



12 Simple Lessons That Will Make Life a Little Easier (for everyone)

Well it has been a long and tiresome battle the last few months, but I can finally say that I have reached the light beyond the horizon…. I have barely had a moment to myself over the last while and the toll it has taken on my mind is indescribable. After a long hard journey, lots of stress and the odd dramatic outburst, I think I deserve a little break! And that is exactly what I am doing at this moment… Kicked back in my leather reclining rocker with my feet up and my laptop rested at my fingertips, I am basking in the sun that is shining in the window and enjoying the silence I have at this moment. (which is a very rare thing in my house) Its been awhile since I have had either the energy, or the inspiration to write and it actually feels good to being doing so right now.

I can honestly say that through all the trials, drama, moving and chaos I have learned a great many things over the last year, simple little lessons that can make or break a person’s soul. So as I sit here, back in my ‘small city” home where I belong, far away from the constant chaos of the ‘big city” life I left behind, I will share with you these lessons in the hopes that I may (by chance) save someone else a great deal of stress and heartache by making the same mistakes I have over time…

12 Simple Lessons That Will Make Life Easier, For Everyone!

  1. You may not ‘think’ you like your life, but it’s really not that bad – You have all heard the saying ‘The grass is always greener on the other side’ but what no one ever seems to consider is that perhaps the grass is greener because there is more fertilizer on that side of the fence… A.k.a. More shit on the lawn! Look for happiness in what you have, not that which you desire. Always remember that what you have now was what you once longed for!
  2. Gossip will get you nowhere – Not only does gossip get you nowhere, it gets you nowhere alone without any friends. If you wouldn’t say it confidently and comfortably to someone’s face, don’t say it at all. Mama was right when she said, if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything. Besides, the person you are gossiping with now is probably gossiping about you to someone else as well.
  3. Real friends are hard to find – You may think you know someone well. You may consider them a dear friend, but the truth is that ‘true‘ friends are few and far between. It is a sad fact of life that most people are out only for themselves, so if you find a real friend that is there when you need them most and does not expect anything in return, hold them close and never let them go. Surround yourself with people who compliment who you are and bring something positive to your life. Get rid of the ones that don’t and never feel bad about doing so. You wouldn’t do something that makes you feel bad on a regular basis, so don’t keep company that doesn’t make you feel good either.
  4. You are the most important person in your life – You might think that family or children come first, but the truth is “it’s all about you.” Without taking care of yourself, you are not going to be able to take care of those you care about. Be sure to treat yourself with the love and respect you deserve so that you are in your best shape to deal with all the other important things, and people, in your life. There is nothing wrong with being selfish, if you don’t love you who will?
  5. Your partner needs to know they are lovedAppreciation is a major part of a healthy relationship. People will give and give as long as they know it is being done for a reason, but without acknowledgement and appreciation they can only give so much. Be sure that you take the time to show your partner how much you love and appreciate them regularly and without expectation. Keep in mind how good you feel when you know you are loved and appreciated and share that joy with the ones you love.
  6. Children can make you smile even in the worst of times – Even when the world is falling down around you and it seems there is no silver lining in sight, children has this amazing ability to make you smile. Be sure that you are never to busy to take a moment and appreciate the joy that they can bring to your life. Whether they are your own, or you have to borrow someone else’s, take the time to share some joy with a child and you will find that life is never as bad as it seems.
  7. Material things will not make you happy – No matter how big your T.V how nice your furniture, or how fancy your house, material things are not going to make you happy. You can shop until you drop, but if you are not fulfilled in other aspects of your life these purchase are going to be made in vain. What good is a huge house if it is empty? What’s the point of a fast car if you have nowhere to drive it? Pretty things are not pretty locked away from the world. Any way you look at it, things are just things and without true happiness they mean nothing.
  8. Money is not everything – As with material things money is not going to make you happy so don’t kill yourself trying to figure that out.
  9. Having money can save a lot of stress – Although money is not going to make you happy, it can combat stress. Having enough money to survive comfortably is a great stress relief, this is especially true for people in relationships. Most marital spats are centered around financial issues and it is one of the major causes of both divorce and depression in many. This is not to say you will be stress free if you are rich, and it is not saying you need to be rich at all, but good budgeting and a secure savings will help alleviate stress and make life a little easier in one aspect.
  10. You must work and play equally – Burning the candle at both ends when it comes to your career might gain you success in your field, but it wont do anything for your social life. Studies show that in order to be truly content with your life you must have balance between work and play. Instead of busting your butt trying to be number one at work, try to be number one to yourself, do what makes you happy, forget everything else and focus on being content and well-rounded. This approach will save you large amounts of stress, and may very well change your current path in life.
  11.  Everything happens for a reason – Even in the darkest clouds there is a silver lining. No matter what happens in your life you need to look at it as a lesson and learn from it. This is not to say that you should ‘let go and move on’ like some people suggest, quite the contrary, some lessons are lengthy and take time to learn. Just like algebra, more complex lessons require more detailed study. This just means that you need to see the positive in everything that happens in life, even in the worst situations there is something great that can be learned, all you have to do is look for the lesson and be open to accepting it. Don’t see an issue as an obstacle, see it as a challenge and face it willingly with an open mind.
  12. You must let go of the American Dream This is probably the most important thing you will ever do in life. Letting go of the American Dream can easily change your life. A big house, perfect career, loving partner, 2.5 kids and a dog may suit some, but it doesn’t suit everyone and it is high time you accept it if it doesn’t suit you. Instead of trying to keep up with the Joneses focus on keeping yourself content. For some this may mean marriage, kids and all the works. It may mean owning a tattoo parlor and piercing your eyelids. Whatever the case, live YOUR dream, not the one that society says is perfect or you will never ‘truly’ be happy in life.

Life has a funny way of sneaking up on you when you least expect it, all you can really do is accept it with open arms. Take time to appreciate all the little things it has to offer and never let a moment pass without being thankful for all the blessings that surround you each day. Even those that suffer through the worst situations can be thankful to be alive. We only get one chance at this life, make it matter to “you.”


Do you have any tips, lessons or advice to make life easier? What are some of the rules you live by? Share your thoughts and tips in the comment section below. 




Questions, Comments, Inquiries and Submissions can be sent to:

Drive-Thru Funeral Home Lets You Pay Your Respects on the Go | News

Of all the strange things the internet has opened my eyes to, this one surely takes the cake…. Is life SO busy that you NEED a ‘drive-thru’ funeral home??? Can you really not get out of your car to say Good-bye to a loved one??? Is a sad world that we live in these days… People don’t talk to each other anymore they text, and NOW you can’t even have a proper funeral where people spend time together reflecting on your life!! Tell me WHY is the world going mad???

Below is the article about the Drive-Thru Funeral home that disgusts me SO much….

via Drive-Thru Funeral Home Lets You Pay Your Respects on the Go | News.

Children In Public (via DreamsEscapeMe)

I stumbled across the post below as I was browsing the Tags section of WordPress and I HAD to re-blog it here. As all of my readers know, I am an unconventional mother of two and the entire time I was reading this I was Laughing Out Loud. Check out the post below and keep an open mind as you read… Don’t get offended, Rather, see the humor in it… image (or remember) yourself as that innocent bystander… Love this post, it says what many of us think, but don;t have the guts to say out-loud!


Children In Public I get that kids are a fact of life, I really do. I also know how children are made. If you need me to explain it to you, and you are over the age of 12, you need more help than I can give you. And no, I am NOT going to provide an illustrated tutorial. In this day and age, however, even if you DO get pregnant unexpectedly, you ( at least in the U.S) have the choice to terminate the pregnancy if you are not ready for the responsibility of parenthoo … Read More

via DreamsEscapeMe

My God, I’m a Country Girl! – City Living and the Cost of Chaos.

Broadway show billboards at the corner of 7th ...

Image via Wikipedia

The city can be a wonderful place full of life and excitement. It can also be an overwhelming place full of chaos and stress, for me it has been exactly that. I have enjoyed the time I have spent in the city, but living here has made me realize that no matter how much I try to deny it, I am a country girl at heart. This is a strange realization to me, as I was born in the hustle and bustle of the city. I grew up here and I loved my childhood. Our family made the most of city living, with constant outings and daily adventures. Despite my city blood lines I just enjoy the peace and quiet of the country to the chaos of the city any day….

Now when I say ‘country’ I don’t mean cows, chickens and bales of hay. I simply mean a ‘smaller’ city or town with less going on and quiet moments to enjoy. The city I moved here from held that for me. It is big enough that you have all the amenities you require, but small enough that you can enjoy moments of peace when you desire them.

I am just not cut out for the Craziness that is city living and here is why:

  1. You are ‘No One’ Here – When you are living among 2.5 million other people you have to deal with the fact that you are ‘no one’. Okay, maybe your someone to somebody, but he reality is that city living gives you this sort of feeling that you don’t exist. I feel like an ant among the grass, somehow lost in the chaos of the city. It is rare that you run into the same person twice, and finding a friendly face (which is a comfort I enjoy) is few and far between here.
  2. There is never silence – Especially where we have been living, there is never a moment where you can just ‘be’. Surrounded by constant noise of cars, planes and people, city life lacks that ‘silence’ that I took for granted for so long. Even if it is momentary, that silence is time to myself to just be with myself and enjoy the world around me. The never-ending noise of the city is enough to make a person crazy, and it clutters my head.
  3. Getting places is a journey in itself – Even to go to the grocery store has become a chore for me while living in the city. There is never a good time to shop. In a smaller city you sort of learn the busy and quiet times of your local stores and you work around the chaos. That is impossible here. It seems no matter what time I was going to the store there were herds of people, long lines and just general chaos… it is overwhelming, especially with children in tow. Not only is shopping a task in itself, travelling to the shops becomes an adventure as well. Buses, trains and streetcars are constantly packed with travelers that are in a mad rush to get from one place to another. You are crammed together to the point of bursting, it feels like you are sardines packed in a can. I never had a problem with crowds before, but I certainly do now. I don’t like people invading my space unless I invite them to do so.
  4. People are just not nice – Not to stereotype, but people in the city are ‘rude’! It is very rare that anyone says excuse me before plowing through you in line, no one stops just to chat, they hardly ever say hello, and Thank-you is some long-lost word that no one ever uses. Walking down the sidewalk becomes a hazard and holds its own risks of injury from hurried travelers who refuse to step aside. I have watched healthy people look away as an elderly person steps on to the bus. I have witnessed more ignorance in the last few months than I have seen in a lifetime, and it is sad. Has life become so chaotic for people that they have forgotten the basics of common courtesy? When a pregnant woman, elderly, or disabled person gets on a bus, you get up and offer them your seat, Period! It is not hard to do, takes only a second and certainly won’t kill you, nor will holding the door for the person behind you struggling with two children and 20 bags… Pull up people, seriously! Anyway… sorry about that rant that is a whole post in itself…
  5. It costs a lot – Living in the city is expensive. Besides the outrageous amounts you will pay in rent there is the cost of travel, the cost of food, the cost of everything. Even a simple family outing turns in to an extravagant affair… Though there are more resources in the city, I have learned that they are harder to tap into, with tight stipulations and odd hours of operation people complain that it is more difficult to find the help you need here than it is in smaller towns. Long waiting lists and large need make attaining what you need a very difficult process.
Maybe it is me personally, I guess I was just made for a simpler life. The city has its plus side, of course or 2.5 million people would not live here, but for me the pro’s just don’t out-weigh the con’s.
I think for me the city is more a place that I enjoy to visit, but don’t want to live. I like to explore and enjoy the chaos when “I” want to, but I like the escape and luxury of going back to a quiet home.
Do you live in a big city? What do you like/dislike about it? If you live in a small town, why do you enjoy it?
I would love to hear how others feel about city/country living, feel free to share your thoughts in the comment area.

Lil’ C is Driving Me ‘Crazy’

It feels as if I am constantly complaining about Lil’ C and the things he is doing that drive me nuts. I feel almost guilty because lately it seems as if he is constantly in trouble. Perhaps it is just his age, he recently turned 8, and he is overly annoying lately… I don’t know… My friends 8 year old’s also seem to annoy me as well, but it could just be that I am a bitch??? Who knows… It just feels like every time I turn around I am having to remind Lil C of the most basic things, repeat myself constantly, or tell him to go away every few minutes….

Lil’ C is a good boy. He is gentle and caring, sensitive and loving, but he requires a LOT of attention. He is constantly trying to bud into adult conversations and seems to be stuck in some kind of ‘make believe’ world that us adults truly don’t want to hear about, but he feels he needs to share with us at any given moment… usually the most inappropriate ones at that!!

He is regularly reminded to tidy up, shut-up, or stop chewing with his mouth open and it is starting to drive me ‘CRAZY’ I am at my wit’s end with my little boy and I am about ready to ship him off to tim-buck-two…

I guess I am wondering if anyone else is feeling (or has felt) overwhelmed with their 8 year-old… I keep telling myself it is a phase and it will pass, but I am scared that it isn’t! I worry that he is going to be messed up because he is constantly getting disciplined for stupid little things that I should not have to remind him of daily… It is almost as if he is stuck on stupid… (sorry for the harsh example) but really it is like the lights are on and no one is home!!! You tell him something and it goes in one ear and out the other… like it has never been said before… I am about ready to give up….

Any advice???

10 Secrets of a Successful Summer and Sanity to Spare…

Kids are a joy, a blessing and a real pain-in-the-ass! Made even more the latter during the holiday’s… Yes, I am talking about “summer vacation”. You know those evil 2 months when even the teachers don’t want to be around your little demons, and you are constantly bombarded with various versions of ‘I’m bored‘ day-in-and-day-out non-stop, to the point that you just want to stop, grab the little jerks, shake them and scream at the top of your lungs….

BORED? YOUR BORED? Well MUST BE NICE!!! Perhaps you would like to do the laundry? Make lunch? Make dinner? Mop the floor for the fifteenth time this week? What’s that…? Oh you’re not BORED anymore… Hmmmm…”

or simply pack your bags and leave.

Whatever the case, there are some easy and effective ideas for keeping kids busy during the summer holidays that I want to share. These ideas will not only entertain the kids, but keep you relatively close to sanity as well… (Unless your teetering on the edge to start with, in which case I make no promises!)

The Secret of a  Successful Summer and Some Sanity to Spare:

  1. Summer Camp – Nothing breaks-up the holiday, or fights off insanity, like good old Summer Camp. A week or two of overnight camp for the kids is a great way to keep them entertained, help them lean, grow and experience the world, and enjoy some peace and quiet yourself. Most cities provide ample camp options for parents through over-night ‘away’ camps, or day camp options. If cost is an issue looking into your local resources, most cities have options for camp sponsorship so you can send your children away without much cost on you. Truly though, look at it as an investment and save ahead of time… Trust me it is worth the coin.
  2. Grandma and Grandpa – If camp is not an option consider creating your own escape with the help of family members. Grandma, Grandpa, Aunts and Uncles can be a great resource if available. Plan a mini-vacation for your kids by sending them to see relatives for a week, a month, or even a day. It doesn’t even matter if they life around the corner from you, or across the street, the main goal here is to get them out of the house, and get yourself some alone time. The change of environment, and noise level, will be good for everyone. Contact these people ahead of time… In fact, it is best to bring up such plans close to Christmas when it is hard for people to say no!
  3. Share the Joy – Get together with other parents and arrange ‘summer play dates’ where you each take turns hosting the kids at your house. You may have to put up with a day of extra noisy children, but it will be well worth it when it is another parents turn to host.
  4. Aim for Amusement – Amusement Parks are another great option for keeping kids happy during the long break from school. Check out your local listings for a park nearby and gather the kids up for an outing. Amusement Parks are guaranteed to keep the kids busy for at least one day, if your children are older, and the park is close to home, consider purchasing a seasons pass. Kids never get sick of roller coasters and you will have a few hours to yourself.
  5. Hit the Beach – The local beach, park, pond or river is a great way to get the kids out of your hair and give them something to do. Pack snacks, drinks, sunscreen and a blanket and head for the water. The kids can play and you can relax. Grab a friend or relative and take turns keeping an eye on them at the water so you each get the enjoyment of not having to worry and the kids stay safe.
  6. Lifelong Learning – Sign the kids up for some sort of lessons or sport over the summer. Not only will lessons help promote hobbies and education, they will give you an hour of peace each week. Karate, music lessons, dance, or sports are great options and many are available at low-cost options.
  7. Literally Lounge – The local library is a great resource for parents. Most libraries offer free or low-cost courses, groups and activities for children of all ages. Many of which are ‘parent free’ Check out your local library to see what they offer, in the very least you will have enough time to enjoy a good book and let your mind savor the silence.
  8. Trust Tradition – When we were young summer vacation was spent outdoors. We came in for a quick-lunch and got called in for dinner. Trust tradition and kick the kids outside for the day when you are feeling overwhelmed. Have them ride their bikes, set up a sprinkler, or build a tree-house. Children are often creative, provide them with a few items and let their imaginations run free.
  9. Stock Up – Be prepared for boredom but stocking up on entertaining items. Arts and crafts, movies and board games are great ways to beat boredom or waste away a rainy day. Keep a box, or closet, of useful items handy and point it out when you hear complaints.
  10. Last Resort – If all else fails look to someone else to do the hard work for you. Daycare centers and babysitters should not be forgotten during long summer days. Hire someone, or send the kids off for a few hours each week to help break up the routine. Summer is a great time to hire a sitter as there are many students willing to work for a little pocket-money and daycare centers often provide part-time or casual discounts to tired parents. Let someone else take over and take some time to yourself.

Don’t let the strain of summer stress you out, having children does not have to mean losing your mind. Look for creative ways to keep the kids busy and ask for help when you need it. Chances are your parents remember how hard summer vacation could be and will be more than willing to lend a hand. Most of all enjoy the time summer provides for families, before long your kids won’t want your advice, so plan ahead and make the best of the warm weather.

Technologically Speaking

MSI laptop computer

Image via Wikipedia

I need to be honest, I never ‘actually’ realized how much my life revolves around my computer until recently. Yes, I am aware that I spend a large amount of time online doing “one thing or another” but I what I was not aware of was how much I rely on the internet for entertainment. My computer was out of commission last week and I have to say I was a bit more ‘lost’ than I expected to be. A large amount of my day is spent online, reading, writing, or simply socializing with other. As well as learning many new and interesting things. I expected some withdrawal, of course, but I can honestly say that ‘some‘ withdrawal quickly became an understatement… at least at first anyway. Life (a week and a half)without my computer was hard, but it taught me a few things; things about myself, my life, and the world we live in….

What I didn’t learn online:

  • I am a basket-case without an internet connection – The first few days without a computer were a complete and utter shock to my system. I sat at the desk where my computer had been and simply stared at the empty space that had once held my beloved laptop. I was lost, I admit it, sad as it sounds I truly did not know what to do with myself while not online. Much time was spent simply staring into thin air with the slight hope that somehow, someway, this was all a bad dream. There may even have been a few tears shed…
  • It is very difficult for me to function without Google – I never realized how much I rely on Google to handle my day-to-day issues. There were questions my children asked that I couldn’t answer, phone numbers and addresses that I was unable to find. Dinners that bordered on ‘prison food’ standards from lack of recipes, medical issues and strange symptoms that could not be diagnosed, and a number of other tasks that never got done all because I am a Google whore! Yes, I said it… Loud and proud… I Google EVERYTHING!!
  • I can almost guarantee that I suffer from adult ADHD – I love reading. In fact, most of my time online is spent reading one site or another on various topics of interest, but how often I actually finish reading a site is a question I fear I should not answer… The beauty of the internet is that information is created for fast consumption. I can easily get the point without having to go very in-depth, reading a book on the other hand requires attention that I seem to have lost at some point in the recent past!
  • My kids are quite annoying – When I have nothing to distract me, my children are actually quite annoying to deal with… This ‘in your face, look at me non-sense’ that seems to have started the minute my laptop left the house, was all a bit much for me to be honest with you… and though our ‘family time’ was fun, it was truly exhausting.
  • My house is a mess – Once my eyes adjusted and were able to take in what was around them, (instead of being set to see through the glare of the screen) I realized that my house is a ‘pigsty’ I will say that in the days that the computer I got far more housework accomplished… I wonder if there is a connection!
  • It is really nice outside – Once you get up and get out in the sun, it is actually quite pleasant… Some would even say “Summer-like” but that would be impossible… I mean time couldn’t really pass me by like that now could it???
  • My family is actually amusing – Once I recovered from the initial shock I suppose I actually started to enjoy the disconnection from the world. I spent time with my family, enjoyed the outdoors, read a book (well parts of a book anyway) and even picked up a pen to write.. I can not even remember the last time I wrote with a pen! I learned that my family is actually somewhat amusing at times, and even a bit fun!
  • Boredom makes me miserable – Despite the fact that I got over the computer being gone, despite the fact that I even embraced it being gone by the end, I still learned that when I get bored I become a ‘bitch’. I require constant amusement and no one can provide that like my trusty little laptop…. People have their own emotional needs that just don’t work in my favor!
I must say, though I didn’t like not having a computer, I did appreciate the extra time I had when not online. I used the phone instead of Facebook and actually heard friends voices for the first time in a while. I got a lot done…. And you know, once my computer was back I didn’t even miss it all that much! Now that it is here and I am sitting on it I decided that I would make myself a pact… Though I love my computer and there is soooo.. much on the net that I want to see and read, I also want to enjoy my life, my family and myself… Thus I will not sacrifice time in real-life, for time online!
Take time each day to enjoy the world you live in, learn to appreciate the simple things in life. All that is online will be there later, those that are in your life may not….
– K8 