Fame Claims Another Life – Amy Winehouse and the celebrity influence

If you follow the celebrity world, and even if you don’t, you are probably aware that singer Amy Winehouse was found dead in her London apartment July 23, after suffering a drug overdose. She was 27 years old.

Is this the role model you want for your daughter?

Amy Winehouse, born September 14, 1983, was most known for her song titled ‘Rehab‘ in which the young woman sings “They tried to make me go to rehab I said No, no, no.” Winehouse has battled an addiction publicly since she first entered the world of fame, and even had to cancel her European tour recently after a performance where she could only be described as “out of it.

Since her death headlines and status updates have declared “shock” and “bewilderment”. There has been an overwhelming amount of sadness and sympathy, fans, friends and other celebrities are remembering fondly the singers beautiful voice, but they are forgetting the facts…

Now I warn you in advance, this IS going to offend someone…

The truth is, there is NO shock. If you are shocked that a 27-year-old, heroin addict with more money than God died of an overdose you are living in a bubble and I am about to burst it.

This woman was not ‘fabulous, wonderful, or amazing’ as I have seen written on walls, statuses and pages all over the internet. She was a very messed up young girl that needed HELP not a record contract!!!

YES, it is sad that she died. Of course it is sad. I am a bitch, but I am not heartless, no one should have to suffer that way, but I don’t have sympathy because with all resources available in this world today, and especially with all the money she had, she could have gotten help for her addiction.

I’ll tell you what IS shocking….

It is shocking that every single day we as parents sit here and tell our children that drugs are bad. We tell them that drugs will get them nowhere in life, that drugs will kill them, that drugs will rip their future from them. We repeat constantly that if they do drugs they are doomed to be losers for life….

Yet, EVERYDAY our children are picking up magazines, watching television shows and listening to music that is promoting, creating and supporting celebrities on drugs...

Lindsay Lohan, Nicole Richie, and Paris Hilton are just the obvious examples. There are an ample number of celebrities that have been caught, or accused, of using drugs in the eyes of the media, and the eyes of our impressionable children.

The point is, These celebrities are supposed to be role models to our children. Young girls were watching Amy Winehouse, thinking she was cool, listening to her music, and aspiring to be like her…

Would you want your daughter looking up to a heroin addict?

Our children are looking up to all of these celebrities, turning to them for guidance, living life dreaming of being ‘just like them‘ one day, and they are not presenting a very good image for our children to mirror.

Cocaine, Heroin, DUI‘s and Hookers are the norm in the celebrity world today. Domestic violence, rehab and repeat offences have become our headline news. There is rarely consequence to the actions, unless it is the fate that Amy Winehouse has now suffered. Rarely do courts do more than give these celebrities a light slap on the wrist, allowing them to step out of court unscathed and teaching the teens that closely watch them that being famous means doing whatever you please without consequences.

Sure, you can argue that drugs have always been a part of Hollywood, but have they always been a part of your neighborhood to the extent that they are today? Children can get their hands on Cocaine easier than they can a basketball or jump-rope now a days, and Hollywood isn’t helping matters at all.

Amy Winehouse should be an example. Producers should consider more than the fact that someone has a good voice. A good voice is a dime a dozen, just look at American Idol. If an artist is going to be signed to a label, put in a film or shown on television they should not be high on drugs.

I can’t point blame at the producers, though I am sure the dollar signs may have blurred their insights, it is the artists and celebrities themselves that are to blame as well. You enter the world of fame knowing the costs associated with it, the lack of privacy and the pressure that come along with celebrity status. You make the choice to give up normality, you have no one but yourself to blame if you can’t handle the heat. You are a ‘role model‘ and whether you like it or not there are young people out there who are looking up to you. There are pre-teen kids who want to be like you, who watch you and mimic you. Celebrities: pull yourselves together and show them what they can be besides a heroin addicted whore.

Perhaps I am being harsh, but it truly makes me sick because there are thousands of aspiring artists, actors and singers out there that would gladly trade places with these spoiled little brats and never consider shoving a line up their nose or a needle in their arms. If fame makes you so miserable than stop working, singing, or acting and go home, go hide, or just go away. Ten other people ‘just like you’ will gladly take your place, and easily fill your shoes.

I am so sick of seeing headlines about celebrity arrests, drug overdoses and DUI’s. It is time that celebrities step up and show our kids what ‘hard work‘ and ‘dreams’ really are. It is time that they start standing up AGAINST drug use rather than promoting it. It is time they accept that they are role models to young boys and girls, and time they consider the consequences of their actions.

No offence to Amy Winehouse, of course she had talent, and clearly suffered from the disease that is addiction. She was a heroin addict that should have never had the opportunity to influence our children and when they tried to make her go to rehab she shouldn’t have said ‘No, no, no…

Royally Entertained! Oh Yes, I’m gonna go there…

I admit it…..I am among the millions who rose early to watch the beauty and excitement that was The Royal Wedding. I am ‘one of those people‘ that sat in front of the television at 5 a.m. to see a little girls dream come true. I got teary eyed as I watched Kate Middleton step out of the car and walk down the aisle to meet her Prince and live her dream. (every little girls dream actually) I loved the dress, I love the service, I loved the speeches, and the entire affair. In fact, the sheer beauty of it, coupled with her stunning appearance made me decide that I should forgive the bitch for stealing my man and ruining my life…. It’s OK Kate… I see that you two are happy and in love, so…. I forgive you!

Besides I wouldn’t want to have to kiss in front of all those people anyway….(I’m not one for PDA)

What I did NOT like though is the fact that the media is a bunch of gossip hungry vultures that MUST find fault in everything, no matter how perfect the reality was….

Long after the Ceremony was over, and only minutes after their first kiss, I was bombarded on the internet with play-by-play analysis of how the first kiss was reluctant, hands-free and somewhat cold….. ARE YOU F**KING KIDDING ME????

The entire wedding was flawless, the bride beautiful, no one fainted, vomited, tripped in their high-heels, or shouted out that they were Prince Williams secret mistress and that they were having his bastard child…I would call that success! It was PERFECT! But that’s the media… they NEED to find something that they can pick apart… and when it isn’t there, they simply create it…

Reluctant, Hands-free, Abrupt, Cold, Disconnected…. HONESTLY???

I want to see them stand up there on a balcony in front of millions of people, let alone the billions of others you know are watching on television from the comfort of their homes, and be able to share a passionate kiss without the awkward discomfort that Kate and William must have been feeling.

I completely understand that this wedding was the biggest media event of the year, I also understand the pressure they must have felt to not only ensure that they were happy with the wedding, but to ensure that the media and the billions of viewers were happy as well… they sought perfection… and in my eyes they accomplished their goal.

I truly could not believe that there were headlines on Google claiming that the kiss looked forced, claiming it looked reluctant, and I even stumbled across one blogger who claimed they didn’t look as if they wanted to kiss! (I will not post the link to that blog here because I will not support someone who is clearly just looking for attention by taking an opposing position to EVERYONE else and probably does not actually believe his own ramblings to be true!)

I say Bull-roar I think that they were amazing.. Kate Middleton held herself together far better than any other bride in her position would. Yes, the girl was nervous, of course she was for crying out loud! I would have been passed out on the floor the minute I stepped out on that balcony and saw those millions of people standing there watching me. Actually, I probably would have abandoned my Prince at the alter knowing that my each and every move was going to be so closely scrutinized. I would have been hiding out in Mexico just to avoid the pressure, Prince or Peasant… That stress would have gotten the best of me. I can’t handle the normal stress of day-to-day life half the time, I would have created a media frenzy when I checked into a mental ward!!

It just disgusted me to see the media and people ripping this moment apart all for the slight chance that they might get even MORE attention, to possibly generate even MORE sales than they already were from one of the biggest “Happy” world events since Charles and Dianna… I think the media, and that blogger need to find better things to write about rather than pick apart perfection when there are no flaws to be found….

Now.. Since I forgive Kate Middleton, as I said before, for stealing my man and shattering my dreams.. I wish them all the best and I hope they have a long, happy, and prosperous marriage….


Prince Harry is still available… and he became the better looking of the two anyway….

Until Next Time….

Write On! 

Hot Shot!

It’s a sad situation that on average most Americans know more about celebrity gossip than they do about politics, history, or current events combined.

The world today is celebrity obsessed… every where you turn there is an abundance of celebrity gossip to be found. Every supermarket has shelves at the cash register that are stocked full of celebrity gossip magazines. You can’t purchase potatoes without noticing bold bogus headlines about one celebrity or another. You are constantly bombarded with media images of perfection gone bad, stories off celebrities gone wild, and tales of which star is currently in rehab. It’s truly sickening!

I am aware that along with the choice of fame, comes the choice of failed privacy, but I think that it has been taken too far. Societies obsession with celebrity has costing people their lives, (Princess Dianna for example) destroyed marriages, and caused countless self-esteem issues in young women today who are trying to live up to unrealistic standards. You have to feel a bit sorry for these people, because although fame is a choice they made, I am sure that they never expected the actual extent of severity it would entail.

One thing I must say on a side note is that these celebrities have it all wrong…. the more you try to hide from the public eye the more they are going to seek you out… why? because the rarer the pictures of the celebrity, the more they are worth… it goes hand in hand with popularity as well the more famous you are the more people are going to want to know about you…. If you are choosing fame as a career, you need to be prepared for the scrutiny that comes along with it, and accept that; although you are going to long for privacy, you are probably not going to get it… sad as that fact is, it is just that…fact! (A sick fact, but a fact just the same!)

But none of these ‘facts’ explain why we put these people up on pedestals and thrive on the drama of their lives. Why we as people feel that they are any better than us, and why week after week celebrity gossip magazines filled with over exaggerated lies sell millions of copies straight off the supermarket shelves…

These people are no different than we are, they work hard to make their money, they have families and feelings just like you and I. They worry about what they are going to wear, or what they should have for dinner. They stress about their work, and their weight. They raise their children and they live their lives….All while under an extreme amount of pressure, yet we sit here and imagine that we are them, we fantasize that their lives are perfect, and we dream about how happy we would be if we could just trade places with them for a day. We relish in the glory when they succeed, and we are captivated when they suffer, often to the point of finding glory in another persons pain… We as people know more about what is going on with Brad and Angelina than we do about the current state of the war. We pay more attention to the dramatics of Lindsay Lohan then the dramatics of our sad excuse for a government. We immerse ourselves in these people’s lives as if they owe us something, like we have the right to know, see, and stalk every detail of where they go and what they do…

Having some interest in your favorite actor is acceptable, curiosity is natural, and fans are what creates such amazing movies as we see today, and allows these people to enjoy doing what they have always dreamed of, but try putting that same interest into the world around you, into the way your country is run, or the state of the earth as it quickly deteriorates. Try taking the time to focus on something that actually matters, something that makes a difference, because when the time comes that the war expands, or the effects of the damage we have caused our earth start to take over, it won’t matter one bit which celebrity is having an affair, how many times Britney has gone crazy, or who is showing a baby bump… have some intelligence, and at the very least some respect….